Opioid Resource Hub

Welcome to our Opioid Resources Landing Page!

Click here or scroll down for Opioid Settlement Education Assistance Program Information.
Click here or scroll down for Available Resources (Narcan, lock boxes, medicine drop boxes).
Click here or scroll down for Opioid Data Resource Links

Opioid Settlement Education Assistance Program Information:
Opioid Settlement EAP flyer website

Forms for Opioid Education Assistance Program:


Available Resources

Free Narcan Available at CCHD Pharmacy! Click the image to read the flyer.
Pharmacy Narcan Flyer waddress

Free Medicine Lock boxes are available at CCHD
medicine lock box postcard final
FREE Medicine Lock Boxes are available at CCHD Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm. Come to the Health Department Front Desk and request your free medicine lock box today! 


Medicine Drop Boxes
medication drop box postcard
Medicine Drop Box Locations

Do you have unused or expired medicine in your home?
1. Gather all unwanted medicine from drawers, medicine cabinets, etc. Leave items in their original container. You may wish to mark out personal information with a permanent marker, but this is not required.
2. Check the list to find a drug drop box.
3. Bring items to the drug drop box.
4. Place the items into the secure locked drug drop box. It is free, safe and no questions asked. Our medicine drop box is located at 200 South Post Rd, Shelby inside the Health Department lobby.
Always dispose of medicine safely.
Items that should not be placed in medicine drop box:
1. Needles or sharps
2. Biohazard materials (blood, syringes, IV bags)
3. Household waste/trash

Links to Opioid Data: